From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Noel Chiappa) Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 14:23:28 -0500 (EST) Subject: [TUHS] V7 Addendem [ really lawyers and AT&T consent decree ] Message-ID: <> > From: Clem Cole > IP and datagrams were very much built on no central control Well, yes and no. One can easily have a centrally controlled datagram network (q.v. the ARPANET) - although it's true that its path-selection algorithms, etc were not centrally controlled - but other aspects of the network were. (Interestingly, after various routing disasters the Internet caused by improper configuration, some aspects of path selection in _parts_ of it are now effectively centrally controlled; but I digress.) The IP Internet was designed with no _overall_ central control, but as a collection of autonomous entities. > In the end, it was MetCalfe's law (which was formulated on observations > about the phone system) that caused IP to win Over any and all comers, including other decentralized datagram networks like CLNP. MetCalfe's law doesn't talk about decentralized, it's just about 'first to field'. > all want to see the net neutrality go away This whole 'net neutrality' campaign drives me completely crazy. If all people wanted was a rule saying 'ISPs can't give third parties _worse_ service, or - more importantly - deny service altogether, unless those parties pay up' (i.e. what would amount to targeted extortion), I'd be _all for_ a rule like that. But the 'net neutrality' aficionados (most of whom, I'm fairly sure, are not aware of/thinking about these details) are all signing up for a much more expansive rule, one that says 'no ISP can offer anyone _better_ service for paying more money' - which is quite different. My problems with this latter form are two-fold. First, what's wrong with that anyway? Do we have a rule saying you can't get better road service if you pay? Absolutely not - restricted toll lanes are becoming more and more common. So there's clearly no societal agreement on this principle. (I suspect this 'net netrality' campaign has as a goal some sort of 'forced equality' thing - unless the people behind it simply don't even understand the difference.) Second, that rule is, with a little extra work on the ISPs' part, ineffective anyway. All they have to do is build _two_ networks, one better provisioned than the other - and priced accordingly. You want better service? Sign up for the second network; you'll pay more, but it's your choice. Noel