From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: (Doug McIlroy) Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 09:49:02 -0400 Subject: [TUHS] Comments in early Unix systems Message-ID: <201803221349.w2MDn23w100793@tahoe.cs.Dartmouth.EDU> "I was told in school (in 1985) that if I was ever lucky enough to have access to the unix source, I'd find there were no comments. The reason, I was told at the time, was that comments would make the source code useful, and selling software was something AT&T couldn't do due to some consent decree." I can't speak for SYS V, but no such idea was ever mentioned in Research circles. Aside from copyright notices, the licensing folks took no interest in comments. Within rsearch there was tacit recognition of good coding style--Ken's cut-to-the-bone code was universally admired. This cultural understanding did not extend to comments. There was disparagement for the bad, but not honor for the good. Whatever comments you find in the code were put there at the author's whim. My own commenting style is consistent within a project, but wildly inconsistent across projects, and not well correlated with my perception of the audience I might be writing for. Why? I'm still groping for the answer. For imoortant code, custom is to describe it in a separate paper, which is of course not maintained in parallel with the code. In fact, comments are often out of date, too. Knuth offered the remedy of "literate programming", which might help in academic circles. In business, probably not. Yet think of the possibility of a "literate spec", where the code grows organically with the understanding of what has to be done. Doug