On 2018-04-25 08:18, Ronald Natalie wrote: > The fun argument is what is Virtual Memory. Typically, people align > that with paging but you can stretch the definition to cover paging. > This was a point of contention in the early VAX Unix days as the ATT > (System III, even V?) didn’t support paging on the VAX where as BSD > did. Our comment was that “It ain’t VIRTUAL memory if it isn’t all > there” as opposed to virtual addressing. What about overlays? Virtual or not? The main difference may be where the code lives which brings non-present address space back into directly addressable state: in the kernel (and where: in an interrupt handler or higher up) or in userspace. -- Please don't Cc: me privately on mailing lists and Usenet, if you also post the followup to the list or newsgroup. To reply privately _only_ on Usenet and on broken lists which rewrite From, fetch the TXT record for no-use.mooo.com.