On 27 Apr 2018 11:17 -0700, from pete at nomadlogic.org (Pete Wright): >>>    On my FreeBSD server: >>> >>>     % ls -l /bin/ps >>>     -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  35640 Oct 15  2017 /bin/ps >>> >>>    On my crappy MacBook: >>> >>>     % ls -l /bin/ps >>>     -rwsr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  51200 Jul 15  2017 /bin/ps >> >> Debian 9: >> >> nicci at jesustheasus:~$ ls -l $(which ps) >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 129336 Nov 22  2016 /bin/ps >> >> Debian 8 kFreeBSD: >> >> [usotsuki at licca ~]$ ls -l $(which ps) >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 93088 Mar  6  2015 /bin/ps Debian 7 is the same, except /bin/ps is 93120 bytes there. > interesting how the gnu userland marks ps as owner-writable, not > sure it matters, but interesting... That's more likely the package manager, or the packaging done by the package maintainer, than it is anything about GNU per se. I've got a gazillion 0755 0:0 binaries on my system. In fact, running `ls -l /usr/bin | grep -v '^.rwx'` on my desktop Debian box returns only a handful of hits, all of which are u=rws and a few of which are g=r-s. If you're root enough to take advantage of the owner-writable bit on a file owned by root, then you're root enough to make quite a mess even if they were mode 0555 or even 0111. If you want weird, then tell me why on Earth /bin/ping _really_ needs to be setuid root on Linux (has no one heard of capabilities?), or why /bin/fusermount is, of all modes they could choose from, `-rwsr-xr--`. -- Michael Kjörling • https://michael.kjorling.se • michael at kjorling.se “The most dangerous thought that you can have as a creative person is to think you know what you’re doing.” (Bret Victor)