At 2018-10-31T11:47:20-0400, Paul Winalski wrote: > On 10/31/18, Warren Toomey wrote: > > > > The POSIX file API is a great example, but not of a deep > > interface. Rather, it’s a great example of how code with a very > > complicated interface may look deceptively simple when reduced to C-style > > function signatures. Indeed. It is my hope that in the coming years software engineers will decline to describe an interface as "simple" until they've seen how much logic is required to formally verify it. > > For me one of the most important software design principles is that > the simple and most common use cases should be the simplest for the > user to code. Yes. OpenSSL is an infamous example of design failure in this respect. However, the term "software design principle" is a bit vague. More specifically you're identifying a maxim of good programming interface design. What's good for a library API is not necessarily what's good for a system call interface. System calls are not really library functions, and that is why they have had a different section in the manual from day one. open/reda/write/(l)seek/close did not primarily constitute, as I think they were originally conceived, and API; they were there to expose _primitives_ of the operating system. The lateness in coming of the C standard I/O library may have been something of a problem here; an I/O library is exactly where you want to press your design principle to the maximum. (On the other hand, sometimes the design space needs to be explored, and you don't know what the common cases are going to be because you don't have enough data points yet. In that case you expose the primitive operations and study what bubbles up when programmers apply the DRY principle--they are future standard library calls in disguise.) But I suspect another problem, even had stdio.h been around in 1972, would have been the obsessive false economy of "programming close to the metal". Because the C language did that, and because the system call interface was there and easy to grab a hold of, tons of application programmers thought they should follow suit, violating Knuth's principle about optimization with fervor. > I've always thought that the UNIX file primitives very elegantly > adhere to this principle. Reading a file in UNIX is a simple > open()/read().../close() sequence. Contrast that with VMS's $QIO or > IBM OS access methods, where the full complexity is not only exposed > in the interface, it must be considered, set up, and controlled by the > user for even the simplest operations. Multibuffered, asynchronous, > interrupt-driven I/O is more complicated (if not downright clumsy) in > UNIX than in VMS or OS/VS, but that's OK, IMO--it shifts the > complexity burden to those doing complex things. I haven't programmed on VMS or OS/VS, but again this sounds like a scenario where a standard I/O library should have existed but didn't (or was inadequate to the demands placed on it--as stdio itself arguably still is, with a static global errno variable and an original design that ignored reentrancy entirely, such that we have to consult manuals to determine which calls are safe for multi-threaded apps or use in a signal handler). Context has to be managed somewhere. open()/read()/.../close() only look simple because a lot of context has been pushed down into the kernel--the list of flags supported by open() has steadily grown over the years. The POSIX openat() system call family is a superior design, though still saddled with a lot of context. I admit, it is probably more annoying to use for application programmers who want to use it directly. That's because they're trying to solve their problems at the wrong level. It irritates them that they have to keep track of their own contexts (in this case, a file descriptor). A well-designed library is able to do this for them, but they want to be close to the metal. And too many of them will not do the job adequately themselves, so they demand that the kernel handle it itself. Now the system call interface is even less a set of primitives, and even more something that's "easy to code to" for sloppy programmers. That is one way kernel interfaces, memory requirements, and task-switching times bloat. How close to the metal does one feel then? -- Regards, Branden