Dear Warren, and friends, I'm happy to let you know that Caldera International has placed the ancient UNIX releases (V1-7 and 32V) under a "BSD-style" license. I've attached a PDF of the license letter hereto. Feel free to propogate it as you see fit. I apologize that this has taken so long. We do not have a well regulated archive of these ancient releases, so we must depend upon you UNIX enthusiasts, historians, and original authors to help the community of interested parties figure out exactly what is available, where, and how. Many thanks to Warren Toomey, of PUPS, and to Caldera's Bill Broderick, director of licensing services here. Both of these gentlemen were instrumental in making this happen. And thanks to our CEO, Ransom Love, whose vision for Caldera International prescribes cooperation and mutual respect for the open source communities. Of course, there are thousands of other people who should be acknowledged. I regret I do not have time or wisdom to make a list of them all, but maybe someone does, or has. Anyway, here it is. Feel free to write to us if you want to understand more about how/why Caldera International has released this code, or you have any other comments that we should hear. Sincerely, Dion L. Johnson II - Product Manager and one of many open source enthusiasts in Caldera Intl. Paul Hatch - Public Relations Manager at Caldera International