On Thursday, 3 August 2023 at 17:19:10 -0700, Adam Thornton wrote: > > The first Emacs I used was GNU emacs at already version...16 or something? > In 1989, Coincidentally that's when I first used GNU Emacs on a Unix-like system (SCO Xenix, also coincidentally in Austin). The version was 18.51. But as Warner says, there were plenty of Emacs-lookalikes on other platforms, notably MINCE (MINCE Is Not Complete Emacs) on the Z-80, which I used from 1980, and others, including the micro Emacs that Warner used. The Emacs lineage (TECO → GNU Emacs) isn't as straight as it might appear. There was also a Gosling Emacs in the interim time, and I gather that rms used some of the concepts (screen refresh?) for GNU Emacs. Also I recall that the version numbering was a little defective, something like skipping a number of major version numbers because it seemed that enough time had passed. But I'm hazy on the details, and maybe somebody else can fill in. Greg -- Sent from my desktop computer. Finger grog@lemis.com for PGP public key. See complete headers for address and phone numbers. This message is digitally signed. If your Microsoft mail program reports problems, please read http://lemis.com/broken-MUA.php