Hi folks, I'm finding it difficult to find any direct sources on the question in the subject line. Does anyone here have any source material they can point me to documenting the existence of a port of BSD curses to Unix Version 7? I know that curses made it into 2.9BSD for the PDP-11, but that's not quite the same thing. There are comments in System V Release 2's curses.h file[1][2] (very different from 4BSD's[3]) that suggest some effort to accommodate Version 7's terminal driver. So I would _presume_ that curses got ported to Version 7. But that's System V, right when it started diverging from BSD curses, and moreover, presumption is not evidence. Even personal accounts/anecdotes would be helpful. Maybe some of you _wrote_ curses applications for Version 7 machines. Regards, Branden [1] System III apparently did not have curses at all. Both it and 4BSD were released in 1980. System V Release 1 doesn't seem to, either. [2] https://github.com/ryanwoodsmall/oldsysv/blob/master/sysvr2-vax/include/curses.h [3] https://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl?file=4BSD/usr/include/curses.h