[restricting to list; strong opinions here] At 2024-05-24T17:17:53-0700, Bakul Shah via TUHS wrote: > What would be nice if programming languages provided some support for > such exhaustive testing[1]. [rearranging] > At one point I had suggested turning Go's Interface type to something > like Guttag style abstract data types in that relevant axioms are > specified right in the interface definition. It's an excellent idea. > The underlying idea is that each type is in essence a constraint on > what values an instance of that type can take. In the simple form of a data type plus a range constraint, that's the Ada definition of a subtype since day one--Ada '80 or Ada 83 if you insist on the standardized form of the language. 40 years later we have Linus Torvalds tearing up his achievement certificate in "kinder, gentler email interactions" just to trash the notion of range checks on data types.[1][2][3] Naturally, the brogrammers are quick to take Torvalds's side.[4] Pascal had range checks too, and Kernighan famously punked on Wirth for that. I'm not certain, but I get the feeling the latter got somewhat over-interpreted. (To be fair to Kernighan, Pascal _as specced in the Revised Report of 1973_[5] was in my opinion too weak a language to leave the lab, for many of the reasons he noted. The inflexible array typing was fatal, in my view.) > The idea was that any concrete type that implements that interface > must satisfy its axioms. Yes. There is of course much more to the universe of potential constraints than range checks. Ada 2022 has these in great generality with "subtype predicates". http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22aarm/html/aa-3-2-4.html > Even if the compiler ignored these axioms, I don't understand why this idea wasn't seized upon with more force at the CSRC. The notion of a compiler flag that turned "extra" (in the Ritchie compiler circa 1980, this is perhaps expressed better as "any") correctness checks could not have been a novelty. NDEBUG and assert() are similarly extremely old even in Unix. > one can write a support program that can generate a set of > comprehensive tests based on these axioms. Yes. As I understand it, this is how Spark/Ada got started. Specially annotated comments expressing predicates communicated with such a support program, running much like the sort of automated theorem prover you characterize below as not "retail". In the last two revision cycles of the Ada standard (2013, 2022), Spark/Ada's enhancements have made it into the language--though I am not certain, and would not claim, that they compose with _every_ language feature. Spark/Ada started life as a subset of the language for a reason. But C has its own subset, MISRA C, so this is hardly a reason to scoff. > [Right now a type "implementing" an interface only needs to > have a set of methods that exactly match the interface methods but > nothing more] The underlying idea is that each type is in essence a > constraint on what values an instance of that type can take. So adding > such axioms simply tightens (& documents) these constraints. Just the > process of coming up with such axioms can improve the design (sor of > like test driven design but better!). Absolutely. Generally, software engineers like to operationalize things consistently enough that they can then be scripted/automated. Evidently software testing is so mind-numblingly tedious that the will to undertake it, even with automation, evaporates. > Now it may be that applying this to anything more complex than stacks > won't work well & it won't be perfect but I thought this was worth > experimenting with. This would be like functional testing of all the > nuts and bolts and components that go in an airplane. The airplane may > still fall apart but that would be a "composition" error! Yes. And even if you can prove 100% of the theorems in your system, you may learn to your dismay that your specification was defective. Automated provers are as yet no aid to system architects. > [1] There are "proof assisant" or formal spec languages such as TLA+, > Coq, Isabelle etc. but they don't get used much by the average > programmer. I want something more retail! I've had a little exposure to these. They are indeed esoteric, but also extremely resource-hungry. My _impression_, based on no hard data, is that increasing the abilities of static analyzers and the expressiveness with which they are directed with predicates is much cheaper. But a lot of programmers will not budge at any cost, and will moreover be celebrated by their peers for their obstinacy. See footnotes. There is much work still to be done. Regards, Branden [1] https://lore.kernel.org/all/202404291502.612E0A10@keescook/ https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wi5YPwWA8f5RAf_Hi8iL0NhGJeL6MN6UFWwRMY8L6UDvQ@mail.gmail.com/ [2] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=whkGHOmpM_1kNgzX1UDAs10+UuALcpeEWN29EE0m-my=w@mail.gmail.com/ [3] https://www.businessinsider.com/linus-torvalds-linux-time-away-empathy-2018-9 [4] https://lwn.net/Articles/973108/ [5] https://archive.org/details/1973-the-programming-language-pascal-revised-report-wirth