Michael Davidson napisaƂ(a): >Bill Cunningham wrote: > > > >> Has anyone thought of or tried to port the gcc to the old unixes? It >>would have to be a very scaled down version. A C compiler that would work >>with modern c89 or c99. Something to get a C compiler working that would >>compile todays programs. The old C compilers can be kept for safekeeping as >>they don't work much anymore. >> >> >> >> >By "the old unixes" I assume that you mean things like V6 and V7 >for the PDP-11. > >Both gcc and GNU binutils already support PDP-11 targets, at >least to some extent, so you can already do cross development >targeted at the PDP-11. > >Trying to actually host gcc on a 16 bit UNIX system is almost >certainly a completely futile and pointless exercise - it is many, >*many* times too big and I am pretty sure that it assumes at >least a 32 bit host - if you cut it down enough so that it fit it >isimply wouldn't be gcc any more. > >I suspect that you would also find that most of "todays programs" >wouldn't fit either ... > >Michael Davidson > >[ and, actually, the old C compiuers still work just fine for > ompiling the code that they were priginally intended for ] > > >_______________________________________________ >TUHS mailing list >TUHS at minnie.tuhs.org >https://minnie.tuhs.org/mailman/listinfo/tuhs > > > What about creating "old unix" version of djgpp. djgpp compiler is 32 bit "gcc" running in 16 bit DOS. Perhaps DeJorie could help. Andrzej