to all 2.11bsd users: when searching through the 2.11bsd code I wanted many times a hyperlinked and cross referenced rendition of the sources, much like doxygen or lxr does it. For kernel, lib and user code, for c and assembler. Since none of the existing tools seemed to do what I wanted I wrote a perl script generating such a html'ized version of the source code. The tool far from finished, but starts to be useful. The results from what I'd call an early alpha version are now available. Just start with either the tar source or the kernel init routine and click a little around. The style sheet is still the debug version, not all links end where they should. The cross reference sections aren't complete, but already useful. To see for example who is using setjmp see or who is including nlist.h see The background color tells you in which territory you are in magenta boot and standalone code red kernel orange network code (running in supervisor) green libraries blue user level code Hope you enjoy it. With best regards, Walter -- Dr. Walter F.J. Müller Mail: W.F.J.Mueller at GSI, Abteilung KP3 Phone: +49-6159-71-2766 D-64291 Darmstadt FAX: +49-6159-71-3762 URL: