Le 25/05/2011 00:19, Steve Simon a écrit : well, too big message held on queue canceled, repost w/ attachment. > Anyone remember picasso, a vector graphics GUI app > that generated pic(1) source? picasso seems to be part of the DocumentWorkBench which is now freely available from AT&T Software Technology : http://www2.research.att.com/~gsf/cgi-bin/download.cgi?action=list&name=dwb here is the manual page : PICASSO(1) UNIX System V (DWB 3.2) PICASSO(1) NAME picasso - a line drawing program SYNOPSIS picasso [ -bsize -Fpath -Tfonttables -Ipath -ln -Mn -mmargin -pmxn -txL ] [ - ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION picasso is a processor for a pic-like drawing language that produces PostScript output. By default, this output is scaled to fit an 8 by 10 inch print area, and centered on the page. ... compiles well under cygwin w/ the following patch : ftp://cyrillelefevre.free.fr/dwb/dwb.1993-02-04.patch.bz2 Regards, Cyrille Lefevre -- mailto:Cyrille.Lefevre-lists at laposte.net