Le 29/05/2011 05:37, Gregg C Levine a écrit : > > Hello! > It must have been my believing in things that most people don't want to > believe are a certainty, because the site is now up. I've downloaded them. > Both your patch and the package. right > Now what do I do next with the patch? Extract it and apply it to the source > code? And then follow the usual steps for building stuff on Cygwin I should > imagine.(?) well, things changes since last year... wget http://cyrillelefevre.free.fr/dwb/dwb.1993-02-04.2011-05-29.patch.bz2 mkdir dwb.1993-02-04 cd dwb.1993-02-04 tar xf ../dwb.1993-02-04.tgz bzcat ../dwb.1993-02-04.patch.bz2 | patch -p1 make -j 1 -f dwb.mk all install should make it ? results in /opt/dwb PS : under cygwin, patch come from patchutils Regards, Cyrille Lefevre -- mailto:Cyrille.Lefevre-lists at laposte.net