Le 15/02/2013 09:18, John Cowan a écrit : > arnold at skeeve.com scripsit: > >> First, edit post.tm and change the PO font to CW. Then >> >> refer post.tm | pic | troff -ms | ps2pdf - post.pdf >> > > I changed the line terminators to LFs and removed the undefined .TM > macro in line 3 of post.tm. I then got these errors from troff: > > post.tm:116: macro error: unknown reference type `5' > post.tm:208: macro error: unknown reference type `5' > > Dr. Google can provide no explanation of these. Lines 116 and 208 (or > 117 and 209 of the original source) are ordinary lines of text with > no special controls. > > Then I get the following error from ps2pdf: > > Error: /undefined in x > Operand stack: take a look at your file content, this is not postscript, but ditroff intermediate output. using DWB, the dpost filter should be added. refer post.tm | pic | troff -ms | dpost | ps2pdf - post.pdf using GROFF, groff should be used instead of troff. refer post.tm | pic | groff -ms | ps2pdf - post.pdf using DWB, the AT&T Bell Labs logo looks perfect ;^) http://cyrillelefevre.free.fr/tmp/post.pdf PS : DWB is here : http://www2.research.att.com/~gsf/download/tgz/dwb.1993-02-04.tgz to build DWB under cygwin, use this patch : http://cyrillelefevre.free.fr/dwb/dwb.1993-02-04.2011-05-29.patch.bz2 also, DWBHOME should be exported to the installation path. Regards, Cyrille Lefevre -- mailto:Cyrille.Lefevre-lists at laposte.net