Can someone here ID the mystery person? Embarrassingly, CHM has the person misidentified as well. -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [SIGCIS-Members] Need help identifying a photo Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:46:45 +0000 From: Ceruzzi, Paul To: members at There is a famous photo on Wikimedia commons, of what purports to be Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie in front of a PDP-11, presumably working on UNIX. The problem is that the seated person doesn’t look like either of them. And he is clean-shaven. Could it be Bjarne Stroustrup? Does anyone recall seeing T&R w/o facial hair? Any help in tracking this down would be much appreciated! The photo has been reprinted in many places, and I’d like to track this down before I inadvertently propagate an error. Paul E. Ceruzzi Curator, Division of Space History National Air and Space Museum MRC 311, PO Box 37012 Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20013-7012 ceruzzip at 202-633-2414 -------------- next part -------------- _______________________________________________ This email is relayed from members at, the email discussion list of SHOT SIGCIS. Opinions expressed here are those of the member posting and are not reviewed, edited, or endorsed by SIGCIS. The list archives are at and you can change your subscription options at