When we decided to port Unix to 32-bits, there were a number of candidates we looked at, including the IBM-360, the DEC-20, and the Interdata.   The Vax was barely there at the time, and we also felt a bit of pressure to use a non-Dec machine because some manufacturers were muttering about a too-close association of ATT & Dec that was incompatible with our status as a regulated monopoly.  It was also clear that being able to buy compatible Unix machines from several different manufacturers would ultimately drive the prices down and be good for ATT. Dennis hated the channel I/O on the 360, and I hated the little pinhole glimpses of memory that could only be seen by loading a register--that really clashed with the "one flat memory" model in C.  For the DEC-20, the word size was indeed a problem.  We had built a C compiler for the 36-bit Honeywell machine, and it was quite happy to have 9-bit bytes (in fact, their OS supported this).  But at the time, tape drives were the major way large data got into and out of a machine, and they all liked 8-bit bytes.  And there were issues in both C and Unix if the byte size didn't evenly divide the word size (think malloc, unions, sizeof, etc.).  So the 20 was out. The Interdata was a good compromise.  The machine had been used in a lot of flight simulators, etc., so it had a track record.  It was similar to an IBM-360, but had an address mode for addressing memory directly with no base registers.  And we bought the machine with writable microcode, which we had some ideas of playing with. As it turned out, the biggest problems in porting were taking little-endian code and data and putting it on a big-endian machine, dealing with the consequences of having more registers, and the effect of this on process switching and debugging (stack traces, etc.).  The pre-V7 system calls liked to return -1 when there was an error -- V7 wanted to see nulls.  This turned out to be a critical problem -- if an old-style call with -1 got returned and taken to be a pointer, the Interdata generated a double fault--trying to read a word with an odd-byte address, and memory out of bounds.  Sadly, these faults came in several subtics apart, and the result was that the address of the fault got trashed, leaving the machine to resume at location 0 with no hint about how it got there. For this and other reasons, Ken and Dennis invented the header file concept -- previously, the structs that described data structures like inodes were printed in the manual, and copied out by hand when they were used.  By this point, Lint was a going concern, and I hacked a version of Lint that insisted that when a structure was declared more than once, the declarations must come from the same physical location.  This was a big help in rooting out hidden obsolete structure definitions and forcing the use of header files. The port ended up being fairly successful.  The connection with Interdata less so.  At one point there was a meeting attended by me, Dennis, Ken, and several managers.  We went to Interdata and met in a building that used to be a bank -- the meeting room was in the old vault.  We told Interdata what we had done, and  gave them some information about the growth of Interest in Unix.  We then said that the machine needed some fixes before we could deploy a general-purpose system on it -- the -1 botch was the biggie, because we could not have a broken user program turn the machine into a stone.  Interdata listened politely.  Several days later they said 'not interested". One thing I noticed over the years is that there are very few people who, having done one Unix port, were willing to do another.  I certainly wasn't interested.  After the first time, there is little to learn, and the tedium of debugging a compiler and OS on a bare machine, when the documentation of the machine was hastily written and often incomplete, was frustrating almost beyond describing.  So it was another group in Bell Labs that jumped on the Vax and made an effective and lasting 32-bit port. Steve ----- Original Message ----- From: "Arthur Krewat" To: Cc: Sent:Mon, 18 Sep 2017 11:30:19 -0400 Subject:Re: [TUHS] PDP-10 UNIX? On 9/17/2017 10:34 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote: > On 2017-09-17 18:33, Arthur Krewat wrote: > >> Was there ever a UNIX or even the thought of porting one to a PDP-10? > > Definitely a thought. An attempt was started on NetBSD for the PDP-10, > and it sortof got halfway of getting into single-user, but I'm not > sure if the person who worked on it just got distracted, or if he hit > problems that were really hard to solve. I certainly know the person, > and can find out more if people really are interested. > I for one would be VERY interested. It would be an interesting exercise to try it out on a SIMH emulator. >> 8-bit bytes would have been a wasteful exercise, but you never know. >> (losing 4 bits of every 36-bit word) > > Uh... Why 8 bit bytes? That way lies madness. There exists a really > good C compiler for TOPS-20 - KCC. It uses 9 bits per byte. Works like > a charm, except when some people write portable code that is not so > portable. ;-) > > KCC was written by KLH, unless I remember wrong. Same guy who also > wrote the KLH-10 emulator. 9 bits would work - and still, waste 4 bits of the 36-bit word ... any code carried over from elsewhere would never use the 9th bit unless you know of stuff that does? And yup, I remember KLH, not personally, but as the KLH-10 author :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: