On 3/21/2018 11:03 AM, Clem Cole wrote: > > To me, "keep it short, simple, but always explain your intentions in > prose" need to be the guiding lights for programmers. It was instilled in me early on by my one and only mentor that someone that comes along later may have no idea what my code is doing. So comment. Even when it might be self-explanitory, comment anyway. This was on TOPS-10 back in the early 80's, usually MACRO-10 although I dabbled in ALGOL, SNOBOL, FORTRAN, etc. When I look back at my own code, I can read the comments as the plot-line, so to speak, and the code itself just follows along. I have noticed a lot of newer programmers these days that say (paraphrased): "Good code will explain itself" as a reason not to comment. Mostly C++ and Java programmers. I call bullshit on that. Not commenting is lazy. There's no reason NOT to comment. Most of my stuff has more comments byte-wise than real code. Something I wrote just yesterday as part of a much larger project: // remove the UTF-8 BOM at the beginning of a line of text. char bom[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, 0 };                  // UTF-8 BOM void remove_bom(char *str) {     if (strncmp(str, bom, strlen(bom)) == 0) {         // can we find the BOM at the beginning of the line?         strcpy(str, str + strlen(bom));             // yup, kill it.     } } While that is definitely self-explanitory, I just can't help myself - and no, don't comment on my brazen assumptions of string length, or the fact that I assume it's UTF-8 - I've taken care of all of that elsewhere...  ;) ak -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: