Ken U Guy,

   thanks especially for the Text Editor.    i'm sharing it in our community who think a word processor is.

=*+[]+  Marty McGowan        +1 908 230-3739
The MIT Book Club, Princeton and Northern NJ

On Thu, Mar 2, 2023, at 07:45, KenUnix wrote:

Unix v7 programs to share

With all your help I thought I would share a couple of programs I had a hand in.

more.c is like 'more' for Linux. more abc.txt or cat abc.txt | more or ls -l | more
pg.c is a 'pager' program. pg abc.txt def.txt
cls. is a clear screen home cursor program using VT100 codes. It works on
      the console or telnet or putty.

All can be compiled and placed in /usr/bin
  cc -o /usr/bin/cls cls.c
  cc -o /usr/bin/more more.c
  cc -o /usr/bin/pg pg.c

More to  come.

