> The machine is a Codata 300 Wow. I went to Leeds Poly (as it was then) in the mid 1980s. There where two Codatas in the electronics dept., one in its original plastic case and one 19inch rackmount - built as a IEEE 488 controller; I assume what you have is one of those. The former machine was loaded with Whitesmiths cross compilers and I learnt z80 assembly language on it ☺ It ran V7 indeed, and was a friend of the Interdata/Perkin Elmer 3210, the main electronics teaching machine. If it is this machine then it should have the V7 source from the 3210 (Xelos as it was called) and the source for the drivers for the codata (which we gained by "accident"). I may be able to remember some other snippets - contat me off-list with specific questions. I can give you the names of the lecturers who would know most about it but I guess they are now retired (though they may still be Headingly somwhere). (fondly remembers Leeds). -Steve