On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Clem Cole wrote: > We voted to disband and then everyone in the room officially reformed a > few minutes later all signing in as IEEE P1003, later to be called POSIX. ​I should have added, the /usr/group UNIX standard document became "draft 0" of the IEEE P1003.1 after being put into "official" IEEE format, with some magic macro work by Jim, John Quarterman, and myself. Ah the wonders of troff.​ And it was originally formatted on a Masscomp MC-500 which I would bring to the IEEE meetings, which was considered a wonderment at that time. We could actually edit the document as we discussed it!!! There was no such thing as a laptop and the even the "Compaq Luggable" PC was still a few years out. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: