On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 9:21 PM, Steve Johnson wrote: > On the other hand, manufacturers love open source. > ​HW manufacturers love FOSS because it got them out of yet another thing that cost them money. We saw the investment in compilers going away, now we see the same in the OS. But many ISV's are still not so sure.​ Funny compilers are a strange thing ... it's not in Gnu, much less Microsoft's interest to get that last few percent out of any chip, as much as it is for the chip developer. Firms like Intel have their own compiler team, ARM and AMD pay third parties. But because if the competition, the FOSS or even proprietary compilers get better [Certainly for languages like Fortran were performance is everything - which is why 'production' shops will pay for a high end compiler - be it from PCG, Intel or Cray say]. Truth is FOSS has changed the model. But there are only some people who will pay for support (particularly large HPC sites we all can name). They will pay some things, but those sites want to change everything (yet another rant I'll leave for another day ;-) ​ ᐧ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: