I'm not sure if the old DEC CRL tech reports are still around.   At one time before the Compaq-tion, some folks at CRL and the folks at Boston Public Library and WGBH were working with video and trying to extract all sorts of text from it.   I do not remember how successful they were, but there might be some hints in their tech reports.  I'll ask around and see if I can turn anything up.  Part of the problem I have is I that don't remember who was doing that work, but some of my friends might.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 2:16 AM Alec Muffett <alec.muffett@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone ever attempted to OCR a video, perhaps by breaking into frames and then aggregating the results, using multiple frames to correct each other?

On Wed, 30 Jan 2019, 19:51 Richard Salz <rich.salz@gmail.com wrote:
Some folks are trying to figure out how to get AberMud source online and working; see https://twitter.com/larsbrinkhoff/status/1056823314272960512