I recall a couple of editors and some tools were kicking around written in B. I would check the GCOS archives, as I believe that for a long time, B was a popular systems programming language for that OS target. B might have been moved to Multics, but I have no memory of seeing it. IIRC, most system programming there was on in its powerful PL/1 dialect or a Fortran/often with a preprocessor like MORTRAN or RatFor, which I did see. Interestingly, I also have no memory of a B implementation for the PDP-10, which like GE/Honeywell systems, was 36-bit, word addressed. I used BLISS and SAIL on those, if not the assembler. FWIW: Besides C, B also begat two other languages Eh and Zed, both at Waterloo, Eh I believe, was what the original Thoth system was written, although it might have had some utilities in B; you have to ask someone like Mike Malcom. Since many/most of the 1970s mini's and later micro's, ISAs were byte addressed, the word nature of B (and the fact that the source to Ritchie C compiler came with UNIX), is probably what caused it to have a more limited life. ᐧ On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 6:14 AM Sebastien F4GRX wrote: > Hello everyone, > > this is my first post on this list. > > > After looking at the archives for this mailing list, I have seen that > the B language has been discussed several times already. > > After viewing Ken Thompson's interview by Brian Kernighan at VCF East > 2019, I became interested in the B language, as it seemed full-featured > for system programming, close to C, and simple enough to write a parser > for it without a code generation tool. > > So for fun and self-education, I am now writing a (or yet another) B > compiler, in C, after reading Jack Crenshaw's "Let's build a compiler" > documentation ( https://compilers.iecc.com/crenshaw/ ) > > Here it is: https://git.sr.ht/~f4grx/bpars > > It is now starting to generate code for the 68hc11 8-bit platform. It > can also generate C code. > > > I have written some test programs, found some B examples, but I thought > it would be great to use my compiler with actual B software. > > Of course, B was a "transition" language, that did not have a continued > use as soon as it evolved into C. so if any software remains, it will be > quite hard to find. > > And here is my question, is any of you aware of original B source code > archives? or are in touch with people that would know? > > > In particular, I read on this document written by Dennis Ritchie: > https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/chist.html > > > After the TMG version of B was working, Thompson rewrote B in itself > (a bootstrapping step). > > > I have also read that the YACC tool was initially written in B. > > There might be other historical B sources that I am not aware of. > > > Do you know if any of this code has survived to this day? Where could I > find more information about this? > > > Thank you very much, > > Sebastien Lorquet (F4GRX) > >