On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 5:13 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote: > IMO: > 1) It kinda did catch on, in the form of macOS, ​agreed...​ > but there was a time > when it was nearly dead as the major vendors moved to System V. For > some reason, Sun was the last major vendor to make the move, but they > caught most of the flack. > ​This I disagree - Sun was the last. HP-UX to this day is a BSD based kernel with System V interfaces. Tru64 was OSF/1 - ney Mach 2.5 ney BSD + CMU and IBM, was it's own thing which was a combination of BSD, System III and System V salted. You're right that folks >>shipped<< using a SVR3 >>license<< but don't confuse the license with the kernel technology.​ > 2) I think the main reason BSD nearly died, was the AT&T lawsuit. At > the time, Linux appeared to be a safer bet legally. > ​Yes, I explore this in depth in my latest paper. Al biet we thought it was safer for an incorrect reason and if AT&T had won, Linux would have technically had to be removed from the market. Although, in practice, I'm not really sure how that would have worked out. But if AT&T had won, all >>UNIX based<< technology (the IP) - which Linux was just one example​ - would have had to go away. The suit was about >> trade secrets<< not copyright. I really believe this is/was the key item. It's certainly why I started using Linux and I know a number of others that did the same. > 3) Linux got a reputation as an OS you had to be an expert to install, > so lots of people started it to install it to "prove themselves". > This was sort of true back when Linux came as 2 floppy images, but > didn't remain true for very long. > ​Hmmm... possibly. I never saw or thought about it that way, but I was never trying to prove myself. But I take your word for it. ​ > 4) I believe the SCO lawsuit "against Linux" was too little, too late > to kill Linux's first mover advantage in the opensource *ix > department. > By that time - the damage was done.​ I really don't think this has any effect on BSD one way or the other. > 5) I think FreeBSD's ports and similar huge-source-tree approaches > didn't work out as well Linux developers contributing their changes > upstream. > ​Hmmm.. BSD has a similar scheme and in fact, Linux took a lot from FreeBSD​ in the ideas of install, ports *etc*. In time, I think they surpassed it. So I come back, if the original BSDi/UCB vs. AT&T suit had not occurred, it would have been a BSD world. But people like me got scared and even though BSD/386 vs Linux 0.99 was not even a fair comparison (BSD had networking, a window manager, did not crash - basically was a complete system). Linux was good enough with enough solid UNIX hacker making it complete it quickly took over. As I say in the paper, it is a classic Christensen style disruption. ᐧ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: