I was thinking about this some more. IIRC: Peter and I sketched out the protocol for the sockets version on a whiteboard in our office one night after a beer and pizza run. Rick Spicklemeir, Tom Quarles, and Jim Kleckner also participated in those bull sessions. I started writing the program soon after that and had it working to a point in a couple of hours. I don't remember the issues, but a couple of them were when I left for the USENIX conference later that week. When I got back Peter had finished it and put it into RCS. The key is that the coding was primarily Peter and myself, but Rick, TQ, and Jim all had contributed in some manner, too, Although the famous bug of using a vax integer, you can squarely blame me — and as I said, having worked on networking for several years before my time at UCB, I should have known better. But did not even think about it. I failed Henry's ten programming commandments and concluded that the world was a Vax. Mei culpa. ᐧ