On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 2:14 AM segaloco via TUHS wrote: > Does anyone know if there are any surviving examples of SVR2 for the > PDP-11? Various SVR2 manuals still make mention of the assembler, linker, > etc. and the pdp11 variable is present in machid(1)*. And on the note of > the later years of the PDP-11, was there any hope for SVR3 on the PDP? I > presume the introduction of demand paging was the end of things but I would > be curious for anyone's recollections on the final years of System V on the > PDP-11. > > - Matt G. > BTW Sometime around this time, Summit starts to stop full support for the 11. I want to say that by then, getting anything for the 11 out of the Bell system was difficult. I do remember that by SVR3 time, the only thing you could get officially from Summit was the 3B/WE32000-based tape as the 3B5 was the official reference for UNIX. IIRC SVR1 and SVR2 the Vax was the reference implementation, and with R1, you could still order a PDP-11 tape; but frankly, I've forgotten exactly when they stopped but I seem to remember not for SVR2. I personally had lost interest in the PDP-11 from AT&T by then. And if I could have obtained a SVR3 tape for VAX, most of the workstation folks like me would have ordered it, because we almost all had an 11/750 [usually running a flavor of BSD] around. The running joke was that you knew you own UNIX port was solid wen you could run UUCP and sendmail for you companies external gateway. IIRC as a for instance, Eric Fair was running a Vax at Apple since Apple's own UNIX product could not do it. BTW: With SVR4 the Intel 386 family was the reference. AT&T had bought NCR by then, and NCR had flipped to it's 'Seven Layer Stragety' which was Intel ISA across each level and had kill off all their Motorola-based products. After the purchase with the NCR folks running AT&T's computer division, the 3B series began its demise even for AT&T and the RBOC. I was an external consultant for them at that point, and I may even have a memo from the Chief Architect (Lee Hovel - my boss/client in those days) that killed it [I actually the analysis for him that killed off the 88000 machines - which made my name mud in Columbia, SC where there had developed it - but I was not part of the 3B stuff]. > P.S. *interesting little 3B5 side note, found as I was checking references > that machid(1) in the "System V" branded manual from the initial System V > commercial release mentions the pdp11, vax, and u3b machines, the latter > being the 3B20S. However, the "Release 5.0" branded manuals also make > mention of the u3b5 machine, the 3B5. > The 20S was a bit larger than a Vax 11/780 - just half of the 20D [duplex], which was developed to control the ESS#5 and was logic -- I don't remember what family, but likely 74S series. So it was traditional 19" racks and 48v telco-style power. While the 3B5 used a WE32000 chip as a 'desktop' system and plugged into a standard NEMA 110v jack. ᐧ