To my knowledge, there was never a link between Plan 9 and Domain/OS. As I understood it, Domain/OS was more influenced by Multics and maybe the Pr1me machines than anything else. Plan 9 came from the Unix heritage (and thus had Multics as a grandparent, in a manner of speaking). If there was any connection at all, I suspect it was tenuous and more in the form of an indirect influence, such as an idea someone got from a paper or something like that. - Dan C. On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 2:11 PM Pete Wright wrote: > Apologies that this isn't specifically a Unix specific question but I > was wondering if anyone had insight in running domain/OS and it's > relationship to Plan 9 (assuming there is any). > > One of my early mentors was a former product person at Apollo in Mass. > and was nice enough to tell me all sorts of war stories working there. > I had known about Plan9 at the time, and from what he described to me > about domain/OS it sounded like there was lots of overlap between the > two from a high level design perspective at the least. I've always been > keen to understand if domain/OS grew out of former Bell Labs folks, or > how it got started. > > As an aside, he gifted me a whole bunch of marketing collateral from > Apollo (from before the HQ acquisition) that i'd be happy to share if > there is any historical value in that. At the time I was a > video/special effects engineer are was amazed at how beneficial having > something like domain/OS or Plan9 would have been for us, it felt we > were basically trying to accomplish a lot of the same goals by duct > taping a bunch of Irix and Linux systems together. > > Cheers, > -pete > > -- > Pete Wright > > @nomadlogicLA > >