On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Milo Velimirović wrote: > On Jan 6, 2015, at 12:41 PM, random832 at fastmail.us wrote: > > In the "distrib" directory there are four files exactly 1440 kb in size > > - maybe someone could try loading those into a VM/Emulator? > > I had exactly that thought after I downloaded the tar ball this morning. > Any suggestions for a VM config that would facilitate this would be > welcome. Otherwise I’m going to stumble through virtual box and see what > happens. > Those look an awful lot like the distribution disks for COHERENT 4.2.10. There's a writeup of how to get that installed and running under qemu here: http://thebeezspeaks.blogspot.in/2012/05/my-life-with-coherent-part-2.html However, there have been some reports of stability issues with the emulated disk under qemu; VirtualBox seems to be the most consistently reliable (and fast!) alternative, but you have to run it under a 32-bit host OS. I ended up installing a 32-bit Linux under VMWare to run virtual box to run COHERENT (yes, it's awful). I haven't tried qemu lately to see if the stability problems have been addressed, though. - Dan C. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: