I wonder if you've talked with Peter Salus: he must have had a veritable trove of interesting and useful source material for the 25 Years of Unix book. On Sat, Jun 23, 2018, 1:32 AM Warren Toomey wrote: > All, I've had a fair bit of positive feedback for my TUHS work. In reality > I'm just the facilitator, collecting the stuff that you send me and keeping > the mailing list going. > > I think we've captured nearly all we can of the 1970s Unix in terms of > software. After that it becomes commercial, but I am building up the > "Hidden Unix" archive to hold that. Just wish I could open that up ... > > What we haven't done a good job yet is to collect other things: photos, > stories, anecdotes, scanned ephemera. > > Photos & scanned things: I'm very happy to collect these, but does anybody > know of an existing place that accepts (and makes available online) photos > and scanned ephemera? They are a bit out of scope for bitsavers as far as > I can tell, but I'm happy to be corrected. Al? Other comments here? > > Stories & anecdotes: definitely type them in & e-mail them in and/or e-mail > them to me if you want me just to preserve them. There is the Unix wiki I > started here: https://wiki.tuhs.org/doku.php?id=start, but maybe there is > already a better place. Gunkies? > > Interviews: Sometimes it's easier to glean stories & knowledge with > interviews. > I've never tried this but perhaps it's time. Who is up to have an audio > interview? I'll worry about the technical details eventually, but is there > interest? > > All of the above would slot in with the upcoming 50th anniversary. If you > do have photos, bits of paper, stories to tell etc., then let's try to > preserve them so that they are not lost. > > Cheers all, Warren >