On Sun, Jun 9, 2024, 8:40 AM Ralph Corderoy <ralph@inputplus.co.uk> wrote:
Hi A. P.,

> All major apps have Powershell libraries.  I envy some features of
> Powershell, but I still won't use it unless I have to.
> One example is PowerCLI, which is very useful for vSphere automation.
> Easier to use than their other language APIs, in my opinion.

The grandfather of your post address Powershell earlier on.

> The concept of producing a stream of text as the output of a program
> that does simple jobs well has been replaced by "power-shell" thinking
> of passing binary objects rather than text between program
> - a decidedly non-portable idea.
> Passing "objects" requires attaching to a dynamically linked library
> (that will change or even disappear with the next release of the OS or
> the object library).  With Research Unix, I could pipe the output of
> a Unix program running on an Intel 486 to another program running on
> a Motorola 68000 or a Zilog Z80000 or an IBM AIX machine.

Cheers, Ralph.

Thank you, I hadn't seen that. He's right, of course. It's kludgy, but you can always use text, or some structured form of it like json or xml, to communicate between different machines. Does windows have something like netcat/socat? I honestly don't know.