On Sun, Sep 23, 2018, 2:37 PM Don Hopkins wrote: > Its register windows have spilled out into the SCRAP heap of history. > But to its credit, the SPARCSTATION represents PANTISOCRACY with NO RACIST > PAST. > It ROASTS CATNIP for SATANIC SPORT with no PARTISAN COST. > It can create a CAT SOPRANIST with a CASTRATO SNIP. > In trying to steer this word salad towards some semblance of meaningful discussion, is SPARC dead? Practically, yes, I would say so. Or at least it seems to be heading in that direction. Is RISC dead? Not at all. ARM is doing quite well, and the old "CISC vs RISC" thing seems to be a non-issue now, as even the current x86 processors have adopted many design features that originated in RISC research. The saddest thing about the death of SPARC, in my opinion, is that it likely also means the death of the most advanced OS with "true" UNIX roots. CDDL was ostensibly chosen to prevent Linux from cannibalizing the best parts of Solaris. But it only seems to have slowed that down.