On Fri, Dec 13, 2024, 4:19 PM Larry McVoy wrote: > On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 05:57:55PM -0500, Norman Wilson wrote: > > This is verging on COFF material, and I won't mind if someone > > moves the discussion thither: > > > > Clem Cole: > > > > As a satisfied user of SCCS (and later Bitkeeper), it's still my > preferred > > choice. > > > > ==== > > > > I have to admit SCCS is one of the many pieces of software > > I tried for a week or two > 40 years ago and abandoned because > > I couldn't stand it. I don't think I ever tried RCS, because > > I could see it didn't what I saw as the underlying problems. > > CVS likewise. Subversion was the earliest version-control > > system that felt usable to me. > > > > What bugged me so much? The earlier systems were focussed > > entirely (or for CVS, almost entirely) on individual files. > > There was no way to link changes that affected more than one > > file: > > That was the problem that BitKeeper solved. There was an extra step, > bk commit, that glued all the files together in an atomic commit. > That and each commit was like a CVS tag, you can roll the history back > to any commit, no tags are needed. That's because while you think of a > revision as 1.5 or whatever, and BitKeeper had that interface, the real > name is a a provably unique key made up of > > user@host|path/to/file.c|time_t|sccs_cksum > > We called those "keys" and you could use a key any place you could use > a revision. > That's a nice feature... Too bad we don't have it for the historic SCCS trees. Also, the historical SCCS trees lack metatdata about file renames (which were done by moving the ,s files)... Warner I'll spare you how we made them unique, but I can tell you that in two > decades of BK use on every continent other than the artic, we've never > had a key collision. Does require that you use DNS. > > BTW, the CVS/SCCS/RCS importers guessed at commit boundaries and made > those systems yield commits. We looked at author, check in comments, > and time stamps, same author, same comments and within a short window, > that's the same commit. > > --lm >