On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 8:12 PM Ron Natalie <ron@ronnatalie.com> wrote:
RMS is an odiferous pedophile.
Every time I was within six feet of him I needed to go shower.

Despit his many legit accomplishments, he likes to amplify what he's done and take undo credit...

I've never been close enough to verify the odiferous trait...



------ Original Message ------
From "Greg 'groggy' Lehey" <grog@lemis.com>
To "Clem Cole" <clemc@ccc.com>
Cc "Alan Coopersmith" <alan.coopersmith@oracle.com>; "Marc Rochkind"
<mrochkind@gmail.com>; tuhs@tuhs.org
Date 6/26/24, 9:11:00 PM
Subject [TUHS] Origin of the name POSIX (was: ANSI (C) vs IEEE (POSIX)
Standards Body Selection)

>On Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at 20:44:12 -0400, Clem Cole wrote:
>>  rms had nothing to do with the name posix.  I have no idea where that
>>  comment came from.
>At the very least, from rms himself:
>There's a reference to this page in the Wikipedia page on POSIX.
>>  The p1003 committee for Ieee was the portable operating system standard and
>>  at the time adding ix was the norm.  POSIX became the term we all used to
>>  refer to the work we doing.  Rms was not involved in any way
>rms suggests that he was involved in the committee?  Not true?  Maybe
>a different, related committee?
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