On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 2:51 PM Dave Horsfall <dave@horsfall.org> wrote:
On Wed, 4 Mar 2020, Ken Thompson via TUHS wrote:

> do i get a prize:
> ls -tj
> /bin/ls: illegal option -- j
> usage: ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUWabcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]

Another candidate for option-cleansing...  Interesting; I get different
options with the Mac and FreeBSD:


     usage: ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUWabcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]


     usage: ls [-ABCFGHILPRSTUWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwxy1,] [-D format] [file ...]

So FreeBSD has added up "y,D:" (in getopt(3)-speak); my eyes are burning...

FreeBSD wouldn't need -, if there were a good filter to add , to large numbers...  Some of the proliferation of options has been due to a lack of proper building-blocks....
