On Wed, Sep 20, 2023, 2:30 AM segaloco via TUHS wrote: > > > I'd start with groff. > > > > > > So I'm a little off topic but if people wanted to work on that, I'd be > > > up for that project. It's not as big as what you are saying but it's > > > pretty big, I think we just start with something, see if we can get > > > debian/ubuntu to pick it up, lather, rinse repeat. In fact if we > > > just get the groff project to pick up our stuff, all the distros will > > > get that eventually. > > > > > > -- > > > --- > > > Larry McVoy Retired to fishing http://www.mcvoy.com/lm/boat > > > > > > That's an excellent point, the beauty of UNIX being a granular system is > that such an effort wouldn't need to be a "start at page 1 and finish at > page whatever", but could be done piecemeal. Groff would also be a great > candidate due to the preponderance of supporting secondary papers, like the > NROFF/TROFF manual, different macro definitions, etc. That does then get > into the prospect of the secondary papers too, likewise excellent > references to this day on a number of subjects that I personally would love > to have modernized versions of. > > > > Well if anyone catches wind of such a project kicking off in some way > elsewhere, know that I'm certainly interested in what I can contribute. > What my work towards this eventual goal will probably continue to look like > for now though is just doing my diff analysis of manual versions, as one of > my principle goals there was to identify the apparent last common ancestor > of Research, PWB, and BSD lineages, at least as far as documentation is > concerned. Common sense would just say research V7 but there are little > tidbits here and there between V6 and V7 that don't show up in other > places, just tiny little nuanced things for the most part. I haven't done > this part of the analysis at all but a causal glance at a 32V manual diffed > with a V7 manual reveals some changes that don't appear to be related to > the portability work. But I'm not going to comment on that further without > analysis to back it up, just some anecdotal observations at present. > > > > > Why (and when) did GNU drop the HISTORY section from its man pages? > > > > > > Adam > > > > > > Did GNU ever have a HISTORY section? I just plucked a couple books off > the shelf, I don't see HISTORY in the V10, 4.4BSD, or SVR4 books, so > probably a later invention in the BSD line that didn't get picked up by > other UNIX-likes? Looking at a few illumos manpages, they also don't appear > to have a HISTORY section. They appear to be there on macOS, probably as a > result of the FreeBSD origins of macOS user space. That said, I also > appreciate the HISTORY section, it's tipped me off to things to study that > I didn't know on a few occasions. > > > > - Matt G. > > Sorry for the double bump, don't want to lie, just found a few pages in > the 4.4BSD manual with a HISTORY section. Checked the same pages in V10, > SVR4, and 4.3BSD, no dice, so maybe 4.4BSD at the earliest? Of course I > could just grep this but where's the fun in that (and I'm not at a computer > I have a UNIX tree on right now...) > 4.4BSD almost certainly had some history. All the current BSDs have a HISTORY section for many of their pages. And we are busy borrowing each other's primary research for them... though it a man page, not a treatis on the evolution of signals since V7. Nor do the vast majority of command line flags have mention. Those that do are either 4BSD vs System V or XXXBSD vs Linux (and maybe a few FooBSD vs BarBSD, but those are rare). Warner >