On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 09:26:02AM +0300, Aharon Robbins wrote: > Attached is "A Supplemental Document For Awk". This circulated on > USENET in the 80s. My copy is dated January 18, 1989, but I'm sure > it's older than that. In the utzoo Usenet archive, there are two versions of this document and a few mentions of it... John Pierce posted to comp.unix.questions on 1989-04-02, saying he'd written it "four or five years ago". Stu Heiss, in comp.unix.questions on 1989-03-06, said it was "posted to net.sources 18 Jun 86 with message-id 238@sdchema.sdchem.uucp". Unfortunately this isn't in the utzoo archive or the net.sources.mbox in archive.org's Usenet Historical Collection. A copy identical to yours was posted by Jim Harkins to comp.unix.questions on 1990-03-29. There's a later version, fixing a typo and some formatting and adding a mention of \f and \b in printf, which was posted by Brian Kantor to comp.doc on 1987-10-11 -- I've attached this. The same file (with two .bps commented out) was reposted in comp.unix.questions on 1989-11-16 by Francois-Michel Lang. Thanks, -- Adam Sampson