On Fri, 20 Jan 2017, Joerg Schilling wrote: > Random832 wrote: > >> I think his assertion is that he personally had originally learned the >> command as "mkdir --parents" [which was and is GNU-only], and had to >> change to spelling it "-p" when going to non-linux systems, along with >> some unspecified behavior differences. > > This is why I call Linux a system that tries to establich a vendor lock in. > > Man pages could have been written in a way that makes it obvious that --parents > is non-portable, but they rather encourage people to learn gnu long options. > > Jörg > > I blame GNU rather than the Linux people. GNU are just as much masters of "embrace, extend, exterminate" as Microsoft. I've thought of trying to build a "GNUless" Linux distribution with a purer Unix feel, but I get hung trying to step myself through the process. -uso.