On Thu, 20 Apr 2017, Clem Cole wrote: > Leor Zolman had a little firm her in NE called Brain Damaged Software > (BDS) and he wrote and marketed a full C compiler called BDS C - > http://www.bdsoft.com/resources/bdsc.html [ which is now freely > available - including the sources].   For years Leor's compiler was the > de facto standard K&R style C compiler for the 8080/z80 systems for CP/M > and such systems.  [What was important, is that until Leor, the CP/M > community was using something called "Small C" which was a sub-set of > the language.  Leor managed to get V7/K&R into a 8080]. We must be talking about a different BDS C. I remember BDS C for all the wrong reasons; I can only repeat a remark from Henry Spencer about another alleged C compiler: "To be called a C compiler, it ought to at least be able to compile C." My Z-80 C compiler was Hi-Tech C, which was full ANSI. My favourite test of any language is "can it process itself?". -- Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."