On Thu, 7 Dec 2017, Clem Cole wrote: > > Never got to use the V7 shell; we were stuck with 11/40s[*]  > > Dave I don't understand this statement.  We ran Seventh Edition on 11/40 > class processors more than anything else.  The issue was lack of separate > I/D space and the kernel got large so you ran out of physical memory.   The > later was solved with things like the Able ENABLE, which I admit I put one > couple of 11/34 and our 11/60 (which are 11/40 class).  But V7 ran fine on > it. I tried, but no way it would work; the only non-DEC gear we ended up with was extra memory (nothing special, but of course not covered by Field Circus) and an Ampex[*] RP-03 clone (I think). For all intents and porpoises it was a maxed-out 11/40 (then the /60 later on). As I mentioned before, the AUSAM buffer scheme certainly helped, and we kissed goodbye to deadlocks; we even modified character devices (LP. XY, LV etc) to use the buffer pool instead of the character queues, and they went damned fast. I should mention that the /40s were originally specced to run RSX-11D (yuck), and when the ACM article came out the rest was history... [*] My spell checker suggested "Tampax" for "Ampex"... -- Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will suffer."