On 1/29/22 7:20 PM, Adam Thornton wrote:

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 7:37 PM Larry McVoy <lm@mcvoy.com> wrote:
 I can only speak for myself but hell will freeze over
before I have a Facebook account

In this instance you're speaking for me too.
FB and I went round and round in 2018 when I opened an account and they disabled it that same day and demanded verification of my identity. They were never willing/able to enable the account for more than a few hours, even after I got the Better Business Bureau involved. The only single piece of content I ever posted to the account was a background image (a pic I took in Fort Collins, Colorado of a mountainside). After BBB got involved, they would enable the account (after I provided ID verification), only to disable it again after a few hours. This went on for about 5 months (I was tenancious and curious to see if it could ever be resolved). Eventually, I got bored and tired of going back and forth with BBB and the faceless monstrosity that FB is. An intelligence buddy of mine said it was all for the better anyway... I'm on the hell freezing over side of things :).