Clem suggests I comment on mixing ISA. I'm not sure how to respond. I saw Bruce and Jerry demo process migration many times, particularly during our dramatic Santa Monica meetings in October 1987, coincident with the Whittier earthquake. However, I never got a chance to work with this myself. (During the strongest aftershocks, Bruce and I would just stare and hold on to our chairs. Having us Austin IBM folks in Santa Monica to try to resolve the Austin/LCC disagreements seemed historic, but probably not the cause of the October 19 Wall Street crash.) In general, I was always impressed by what Bruce and Jerry did, but the assertions that LCC could do everything exacerbated the ongoing political challenges within IBM. To repeat from o "The former LCC person has mentioned that IBM then seemed like N competing companies. Actually, it was more like Mn competing factions within N competing companies." o "The traditional product organizations, e.g., those associated with the 370 and the System 3x, saw little need for UNIX or a new hardware architecture. The renegade but surprisingly successful PC organizations looked askance for their own reasons. Even the Yorktown partners were partly detrimental because of disdain for UNIX." [To amplify on this, in 1984 CEO John Akers told a gathering of Austin IBM managers that he questioned the need for RISC processors and UNIX.] o "Besides our technical concerns about distributed system issues, the implicit question seemed an all or nothing proposition of continuing AIX vs. IBM depending on LCC for UNIX." And we could dwell on OSF, DCE, etc. On the day OSF was announced, with Akers on stage with Ken Olsen, Akers flew across the country to an awards event, where Glenn Henry, Larry Loucks and I received substantial checks in recognition of AIX. When Akers shook my hand, he told me how proud he was of what had happened that day. When I saw the Register article, I knew that systemd folks hadn't boasted '42% less Unix philosophy', that it was really someone on, but I felt like stirring up discussion. Seems to have worked... Charlie On 6/17/2024 11:00 AM, Clem Cole wrote: > typo...  like the VFS layer (not CFS layer) > ᐧ > > On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 11:56 AM Clem Cole wrote: > > > > On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 1:51 AM Bakul Shah via TUHS > wrote: > > Forgot to mention LOCUS, which was the only distributed Unix > compatible OS I am aware of. To anyone who has > user/implementer experience, I would love to hear what worked > well, what didn't, what was easy to implement, what was very > hard and what you wished was added to it. > > Jerry and Bruce's book is the complete reference: > > > There were basically 3/4 versions...  the original version of the > PDP 11 which is the SOSP paper, which morphed to include a VAX at > UCLA; IBM's AIX/370 and AIX/PS2 which included TCF (Transparent > Computing Facility), and LCC's TNC Transparent Networking > Computing "product" which were the 14 core technologies used to > built it.  Part of them landed in other systems from Tru64, HPUX, > the Paragon and even a later a Linux implementation (which sadly > was done on the V2  kernel so was lost when Linus did not > understand it). > > What worked well was different flavors of the DFS and the later > core idea of the VPROCS layer which I sorely miss, which allowed > process migration - which w worked well and boy did I miss later > in my career.  Admin of a Locus based system was a dream because > it was just one system for up to 4096 nodes in a Paragon.   It > also means you could migrate processes off a node, take the node > down, reboot/change and bring it back. Very cool.  After the first > system was installed, adding a node was trivial, by the way.  You > booted the node, "joined" the cluster, and were up. AIX used file > replication to then build the local disks as needed.   BTW: > "checkpointing" was a freebie -- you just migrated the file to a disk. > > Mixing ISA like the 370 and PS/2  was a mixed bag -- I'll let > Charlie comment.   With TNC we redid that model a bit, I'm not > sure we ever got it 100% right.  The HP-UX version was probably > the best. > > The biggest implementation issue is that UNIX has too many > different namespaces with all sorts of rules that are particular > to each.  For all of the concept of "everything is a file," - when > you start to try to bring it together, you discover new and > werid^H^H^H^H^Hintersting name spaces from System V IPC to signals > to FIFOs and Name Pipes (similar but different).  It seemed like > everything we looked, we would find another NS we needed to > handle, and when we started to try to look at non-UNIX process > layers, it got even stranger.  The original UNIX protection model > is a tad weak, but most people had started to add ACLs, and POSIX > was in the throughs of standardizing them -- so we based it on an > early POSIX proposal (mostly based on HP-UX since they had them > before the others did). > > To be more specific, the virtual process layer (VPROC) attempted > to do what VFS had done for the FS layer to the core kernel.   If > you look at both the original 2 Locus schemes, process control was > ad hoc and thus very messy.   LCC realized if we were going to > succeed, we needed to make that cleaner.  But that still took > major surgery - although, like the CFS layer, things were a lot > clearer once done.   Bruce, Roman, and I came up with VPROCs.  > BTW: one of the cool parts of VPROC is like VFS. It conceptually > made it possible to have other process models. We did a prototype > for OS/2 running inside of the OSF uK and were trying to get a > contract from DEC to do it to Tru64 and adding VMS before we got > sold (we had already developed CFS for DEC as part of Tru64 - > which TNC's Cluster File System). Truth is, cheap VMs killed the > need for this idea, but it worked fairly well. > > After the core VPROCs layer, the hardest thing was distributed > shared memory (DSM) and the distributed lock manager (DLM).   DSM > was an example that offered pure transparency in operation, > /i.e.,/ test and set worked (operationally) correctly across the > DSM, but it was not "speed transparent."  But if you rewrote to > use DLM, then you could get full transparency and speed.  The DLM > is one of the TNC technology which lives on today.  It ended up in > a number of systems - Oracle wrote their own based on the specs > for the DEC DLM we built for the CFS for Tru64 (which is from > TNC). I believe a few other folks used it.  It was in OSF's DCE, > and ISTR Microsoft picked it up. > > So a good question is if TNC was so cool, why did Beowulf (a real > hack in comparison) stick around and TNC die?  Well, a few > things.  LCC/HP did not open-source the code until it was too > late.  So Beowulf, which was around, was what folks (like me) used > to build big scientific clusters. And while Popek was "right," -- > it takes something like Locus/TNC to make a cluster fully > transparent.  Beowulf ignored the seams and i the end, that was > "good enough."   But it makes setup and admin a PITA, and the > program needs to be careful -- the dragons are all over the > place. So, when I went to Intel, I was the Architect of Cluster > Ready, which defined away many of those seams and then provided > tools to test for them and help you admin. > > Tools like the Cluster Checker and the whole ClusterReady program > would not be needed if TNC had "stuck," and I think clusters, in > general, a cluster of small computers on a LAN, not just clusters > on a high-speed/special interconnect like a supercomputer, would > be more available today. > > > Clem > > ᐧ > -- voice: +1.512.784.7526 fax: +1.512.346.5240 Web: Facebook/Google/LinkedIn/Twitter: CharlesHSauer