On 06/25/2018 02:09 PM, Clem Cole wrote: > Below... ;-) > ​Warning.... there a lot of stuff that is pre-internet in the guts (i.e. > was designed during the Arpanet) so IP support got added to it.   And > even with the last versions, its missing a lot (i.e. I'm the person that > hacked^h^h^h^h^h^hadded the original BSD resolv client code to it one > weekend, lord knows how many years ago).   Again this is why QMAIL > became the replacement.  Borstien is an amazing coder and I respect him > immensely, although his personality leaves a little to be desired...​ I consider myself so advised. Wait, are you saying that qmail was written as a replacement for PMDF? Or that you used qmail as your replacement for PMDF? > ​Ahem ...   We did it before they did (by a number of year actually). >  It was also the mail for CS-NET/PhoneNET, when BBN picked it up.​ I'm sorry, I was not meaning to imply anything other than my ignorance of MMDF history. > ​Mail-11 is DEC's mail standard. And is mostly a protocol spec. ACK > PMDF was a pseudo open source rewrite of MMDF (from on the mid western > universities I believe), that got taken closed and I never knew all of > the politics.  Larry M correct me here, he might know some of it, as I'm > thinking PMDF came out of Wisconsin originally.  Whoever wrote it, took > the CS-Net C MMDF implementation and rewrote it into Pascal for VMS - > this was during the height the C vs Pascal war in CS Depts and also the > time of the UNIX vs VMS wars.​     The DEC Pascal Compiler was very good > and was an excellent teaching compiler.   Paul W might remember the > ordering of the releases from the compiler group, but I think VMS Pascal > was released before VAX-11C -- which I think played into the MMDF/PMDF > thing.   As I recall, VMS Pascal definitely was bundled in the > University package and was 'cheaper' if you were willing to run VMS > instead of Unix at your University.       Anyway, the folks that did > PMDF formed a small firm and sold it for a while.   There was a > commercial IP implementation from France call TUV for VMS and IIRC, the > TUV folks bought PMDF and whole thing got sold to a lot people and had > quite a ride . Interesting. > ​I know nothing about that.   I wonder of the Pascal version got > reimplemented in Java at some point.  I do not know.  That would not > surprise me.​ "In 1999 PMDF was translated from Pascal to C. The C version of PMDF became the basis of the Sun Java System Messaging Server of Sun Microsystems" I wouldn't bet that (the C version of) PMDF was reimplemented in Java just because the name contained Java. I seem to recall Sun putting Java in the name of many products at the time. > ​That would sound more like it.   Also left and right hands not talking > to each other.   Sun had become a large place by that point.​ ACK > ​Sure, but its more work than I want to mess with these days.   Best > wishes and have at it 😘​ Fair enough. Thank you for the history on MMDF / PMDF. #larningIsFun -- Grant. . . . unix || die