New comment by ischwarze on void-packages repository Comment: >> lvm-config.8 (and all the other broken manpages in section 8) is reported as missing from mandoc.db - all it contains is ".so lvmconfig.8" > > Hm, good point, i'm adding this TODO entry: > > ``` > dead .so links should be entered into the database to avoid: > man -M. lvm-config > man: outdated mandoc.db lacks lvm-config(8) entry, run makewhatis /co/void-man > loc * exist ** algo * size * imp ** > ``` Finally, i fixed that one, too: [patch.txt]( Unless i missed something, all issues mentioned in this ticket are now fixed. Please re-test from CVS. If everything now works for you, consider closing the ticket. All fixes will be contained in the next release. There are no plans for a release date yet.