New comment by sass432 on void-packages repository Comment: I try to keep my void-system so simple and light as possible. To better get to know how it functions I try to use not to much managers or helper-tools. So I don’t have a display-manager. I only work with void-base-system, xorg-minimal, icewm, spacefm, udevil and alsa, without any use of systemd, consolekit, policykit, dbus, udisks, gvfs, fuse & pulseaudio. For me my system was the best great functionable system I ever had and without any problems ‘til the march-updates this year. I didn’t change my configurations of icewm and .xinitrc and always updated my system. My executable startup-Konfiguration looks like this: `#!/bin/bash sleep 1 && spacefm --desktop & sleep 3 && volumeicon & sleep 4 && redshift-gtk &` and my .xinitrc: `#!/bin/sh . $HOME/.bash_profile xset m 7 2 xinput set-ptr-feedback 0 7 1.9 1 setxkbmap de exec icewm-session` I hope you can help me. I still don’t know what I did wrong!