New comment by necronoise on void-packages repository Comment: > It should be built, can you install `python3-PyQt5` and check if it works afterwards? I installed and still not working. _[*] Configuring unpacked packages sip-4.19.13_3: configuring ... python3-sip-PyQt5-4.19.13_3: installed successfully. python3-PyQt5-5.11.3_3: configuring ... Byte-compiling python3.6 code for module PyQt5... Updating ldconfig(8) cache... ldconfig: /usr/lib/ não é um link simbólico ldconfig: /usr/lib/ não é um link simbólico python3-PyQt5-5.11.3_3: installed successfully. 1 downloaded, 3 installed, 0 updated, 3 configured, 0 removed._