Closed issue by herveq on void-packages repository Description: ### System Void 4.16.9_1 x86_64-musl GenuineIntel notuptodate hold rrrnF package cross-arm-none-eabi Hi all I have been playing with a compiler gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q2-20150609 from for stm32, since many months. I had to compile it to run on Void Linux musl. For the discussion, I call it REF1. Recently, I discovered the Void Linux package cross-arm-none-eabi and I thought it could serve the same purpose as REF1. So I installed it, modified my test project makefile to use it. I call it REF2. The compiler looks to work fine, but the linker complains about: undefined reference to `memcpy' undefined reference to `strlen'... That is like a missing library. REF2 libraries are installed in /usr/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib that has exactly the same structure as my REF1/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib For a test, I replaced REF2/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib with REF1/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib. And then the link succeeded, that means REF2/libs are bad formatted. Some tests on libs: REF1 lib/libc_nano.a ls -l /home8/gnuarm/arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/lib/libc_nano.a -rw-r--r-- 1 hq hq 4090018 Feb 17 2017 /home8/gnuarm/arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/lib/libc_nano.a ar x /home8/gnuarm/arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/lib/libc_nano.a nm lib_a-memcpy.o 00000000 t $a 00000010 N $d 00000000 T memcpy REF2 arm-none-eabi/usr/lib/libc_nano.a ls -l /usr/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib/libc_nano.a -rw-r--r-- 2 root root 561896 Jul 28 07:13 /usr/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib/libc_nano.a ar x /usr/arm-none-eabi/usr/lib/libc_nano.a nm lib_a-memcpy.o nm: lib_a-memcpy.o: no symbols The REF2 libs are 7 times smaller than REF1 and provide no symbols! Did you strip too much the objects before making the libraries ?.