New comment by silvernode on void-packages repository Comment: So I guess we need a revision to Mesa in void that does a patch and removes commit 811fa9a79cf as mentioned in the free desktop bug report. (Or wait for upstream). I suggest just downgrading until a solution comes from upstream but here is what was said: > There are 2 problematic commits, making the bisect a bit more complicated. The first one has already been solved by d6053bf2a170. The second one is 811fa9a79cf ("mesa: unreference current winsys buffers when unbinding winsys buffers"). Using master + this commit reverted: no more corruption in chromium. On Sat, Jun 1, 2019, 05:10 Simon van der Veldt wrote: > I'm seeing the same issue on gentoo, 19.0.4 works fine. > Seems like it's this bug > > > — > You are receiving this because you commented. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub > , > or mute the thread > > . >