New comment by pullmoll on void-packages repository Comment: I tried to enable the D language with the update and I added some new subpackages to `gcc`: + `gcc-gdc` contains `/usr/bin/gdc` the GNU D compiler + `libgd` contains `/usr/lib/` and symlink `/usr/lib/` + `libdg-devel` contains `/usr/lib/libgdruntime.{so,a}` and `/usr/lib/gcc///include/d/*` + `libgphobos` contains `/usr/lib/`, symlink `/usr/lib/`, and `/usr/lib/libgphobos.spec` + `libgphobos-devel` contains `/usr/lib/libgphobos.{so,a}` I'll also add [`gdmd`]( as a new package to my fork. The idea is it should then be pssible to bootstrap `dmd` with the help of `gdmd`.