New comment by silvernode on void-packages repository Comment: > Ok well true, I see what you're saying about sticking to upstream code. What I don't understand is why Void is even shipping Mesa 19.0.5 in the first place if it has a known issue with AMD graphics & Chromium. I think it should be rolled back if it cannot be fixed in a way that makes sense. I totally agree, who knows when upstream will commit the fix to stable and these graphical glitches render the system unusable for multiple users (myself included). I haven't used Void since the issue started happening and don't plan to until a solution is applied. In the meantime I am using Fedora which already has the fix. No visible bugs that I can see so far but that's beside the point. Packages have been rolled back in the past for lesser issues so I don't see why this hasn't happened yet for mesa. This bug really sucks!