New comment by newbluemoon on void-packages repository Comment: @Johnnynator did you try with a `qt.conf` file? See []( > The qt.conf file can be used to override the hard-coded paths that are compiled into the Qt library. These paths are accessible using the QLibraryInfo class. Without qt.conf, the functions in QLibraryInfo return these hard-coded paths; otherwise they return the paths as specified in qt.conf. > > Without qt.conf, the Qt libraries will use the hard-coded paths to look for plugins, translations, and so on. These paths may not exist on the target system, or they may not be accessible. Because of this, you may need qt.conf to make the Qt libraries look elsewhere. There was an issue in the old repository which sadly is gone now. I tried with this `qt.conf`: ``` [Paths] Sysroot= Prefix=/usr ArchData=/usr/lib/qt5 Data=/usr/share/qt5 Documentation=/usr/share/doc/qt5 Headers=/usr/include/qt5 Libraries=/usr/lib LibraryExecutables=/usr/lib/qt5/libexec Binaries=/usr/lib/qt5/bin Tests=/usr/tests Plugins=/usr/lib/qt5/plugins Imports=/usr/lib/qt5/imports Qml2Imports=/usr/lib/qt5/qml Translations=/usr/share/qt5/translations Settings=/etc/xdg Examples=/usr/share/qt5/examples HostPrefix=/usr HostData=/usr/lib/qt5 HostBinaries=/usr/lib/qt5/bin HostLibraries=/usr/lib Spec=linux-g++ TargetSpec=linux-g++ ``` and think there also had to be made some modifications to `qconfig.pri` and `qmodule.pri`. But something didn’t work out and due to a lack of resources I didn’t pursue it any further.